Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fit to Kill's First Star Review

Fit to Kill just received its first star review of 4 out of 5! More reviews to come. To check out the latest review in detail, click.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fit to Kill's First Feature

Fit to Kill was recently featured on Laurie’s Thoughts and Review on Non Paranormal Features. It contains an excerpt from Chapter 8- The Assessment, and an interview on yours truly. To check it out click:


Fit to Kill Book Signing Event, A Great Experience

   Fit to Kill had its very first book signing event Saturday, May 12. The two hour gala was held at Fit Stop 24 Olympia, a fitting location considering the subject matter of the novel. Readers traveled as far away as Oregon for a time of music, food, hobnobbing, great excerpts reading, give aways and an autographed copy of a novel, recently reviewed by the Deepening world of Books as, “A solid promise to rivet and satisfy.”

  The event continued an additional forty minutes to accommodate those still arriving. You can never sell too many books. Future book signing events for Fit to kill are in the works throughout Washington State and we will keep everyone posted. Most importantly, a very special thanks to all who took the time out of a sunny scenic Saturday afternoon, a rarity in Western Washington around this time, to support a novel that one day you may be able to say, “I got an autographed copy of Fit to Kill before it became famous…and a movie.”